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Simon Duckworth
Karina Dostalova
Ben Murphy
Simon Burrows
Shravan Joshi
Tom Sleigh
A modern collage of offices and notable City of London buildings.jpg

Team Members

Strong connections to the City of London, deep belief in public service

Tom Sleigh

Tom Sleigh

Councillor, lead on Culture and Financial Services

A local resident and worker, first elected in 2013. Tom is a former Chair of the Barbican Arts Centre, and formerly vice-chair of Policy and Resources Committee, as well as the City's Property committee.

Simon Duckworth

Simon Duckworth

Councillor, lead on Philanthropy and Safer Streets

Simon lives in the ward, and has led several of the City Corporation's major policy portfolios. He is an active member of the British Army Reserve, supporting at a national level.

Shravan Joshi

Shravan Joshi

Councillor, lead on Planning and Transportation

A long time City worker, first elected in 2018, Shravan Chairs Planning & Transportation, ensuring the City remains the best location, as the premier global financial market.

Karina Dostalova

Karina Dostalova

Team lead on corporate affairs and co-lead on residents

A seasoned city worker, first elected 2013 - 2021, former chair of Hampstead Heath, keen to promote the City as a world centre

Ben Murphy

Ben Murphy

Councillor, lead on Climate-Action and Residents

A City-based Investment Banker, first elected in 2017, Ben Chairs 10,000 acres of the City's green spaces across London and the Home Counties.

Simon Burrows

Simon Burrows

Team lead on Small Business and FinTech

Worked in City for over 25 years, advising small businesses on growth and particularly technology - started career in Bishopsgate and active in the Ward area.

Our Story

Ten years ago none of us knew one another.  But over recent years we have either worked alongside each other as Councillors, or in our professions in the City.  We all come from different backgrounds, political traditions and bring those diverse voices to all our conversations.  Our shared love of the square mile, and belief that we should all give something back to our community through public service, is our connecting thread.

Promoted by Tom Sleigh, on behalf of himself, Simon Duckworth, Karina Dostalova, Simon Burrows, Shravan Joshi and Ben Murphy. All of 60 Grimsby St, E2 6ES

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